Arriving in Halifax

I have been in Halifax for over a week now, it's all been kind of a whirlwind. Dad and I started driving on August 30th. "Travaux" was the word of the day driving through Quebec. 

Arriving in Nova Scotia on the 31st after a night of rest in Edmundson, NB.

This is the view from the ceramics studio at NSCAD's Port campus. During most of the class there was a cruise ship parked in front of the window, but once it moved along the amazing view with the cute little lighthouse was finally revealed.

Tonight's sunset from my apartment!

I am still settling in and getting used to the city and getting used to being back in the routine of school. But I absolutely love it so far, and I am quite sure that going back to school will be the best decision I have ever made.

I am going to try and keep this up to date as best I can throughout the school year, hopefully with lots of pictures of what I am working on... some will follow shortly I am sure.