Haliburton Fun

My journey to Haliburton required two very important things that all great Canadian road trips must:  Timbits, and broccoli

road trip.jpg

It was a soggy drive and setup on Thursday, and the forecast was calling for rain most of the weekend but we had lovely weather.  Lots of sunshine!

The first night I went for dinner at "The Moose" with my lovely hosts Jenn and Terry (of Artech Glassblowing Studios), their daughter and their other guests jeweller Joy Annett and her son. The patio overlooked this beautiful lake, the end to a perfect evening in cottage country. 

And what's a blog post about a show without some cat love? Jenn and Terry have quite the collection of pets now.  There are two cats, a guinea pig and a new (super cute) puppy. This is Smokey Joe, he is the best.  

It got hotter as the weekend wore on, thankfully there is a lake so readily available to jump into to cool off.  I foolishly tried the rope swing after a long hot day on Saturday... It was not particularly graceful, mostly it involved a face full of water and a bit of a belly flop and my shoulders are still killing me.  But considering that the tree that the rope is attached to may be cut down any day now, I figured it was worth a try.  I always love the Haliburton show.  The visitors are lovely, the organizers are fantastic, we get a delicious vendor's dinner on Saturday, there is minimal schlepping to setup, and most importantly it's just fun to do!

I had an uneventful drive home, which was a blessing considering last year's deer debacle.  I saw some wild turkeys though! That was about as exciting as the drive got. 

Now I am home and finishing off some commission pieces and orders!  I have been working out of Edy Roy Glass Gallery in the studio there.  Working with fire and hot glass is the perfect thing to do on a rainy day! And boy was it ever rainy... 

some of my recent commissions I have been working on include:

gummy frog cufflinks

juicy berry cufflinks