
Well, the last two weeks almost killed me but thankfully I have survived. I do have one more exam (for my feelings on exams, see last post) on Monday and a final critique in holloware tomorrow then I am done, done, done! I am going back to Ontario in a little over a week - then it's right back into business/show mode. I will be doing another post about that soon.

I am going to be taking some nicer (i.e. not on the bench) pictures next week, so I will do another post with those as well. For now here are some more pictures:

This is a slightly more finished picture of my etched and mitered pendant - I have since attached a bail, but no photos of the finished piece yet.

One more process shot of my holloware....



And another view. I am so thrilled with how this turned out. I am so exhausted from finishing it today I don't even have anything else to say about it right now, but it's done and that's the important thing!